For Visionaries, Creative Doers, Culture Changers Small Business Owners and Disrupters Ready to Make Your Mark!

In today's world, impactful websites are necessary for every type of business, but that can be intimidating for business owners. So what do you do?  Allow Be Sassy CEO to create your new professional website with one of our chic, contemporary templates below. Pick your favorite and we’ll personalize it for your businesses and brand. Let's level-up, together. 

Athena Squarespace 7.1  Life Coach Template

Athena Squarespace 7.1 Template

The Athena template is beautifully designed and ready to help you attract and convert your ideal client and grow your business. Athena is the perfect template to build your website on if your a coach, online course creator, blogger, podcaster or influencer. Give your website the credibility, positioning, polish and style it deserves by building it with the Athena template.


  • 7 page layouts:
    Home, About, Coaching, Courses, Podcast, Blog, Contact

  • Video tutorial so you can easily update your website

  • 20% off of your first year Squarespace subscription.

Use the password: demo to view Athena live site

The Process

View the website and pick a template you want to use as the base for your website and schedule a call to go over your website goals, mission and vision.

After our call I’ll email a proposal with a quote, start date and what’s included in your project. and if you’re happy to go ahead, you’ll receive my contract & deposit invoice so that we can get your project booked in!

Once you book your project I’ll send you a questionnaire to get your website text. You will select the template you want to use for your site. I’ll send you a link that you will use to give me your fonts, logo and any other materials you want put on  your website.
All of your website assets have to be submitted prior to the. project kick-off. 

Project kick off! Week one of your project we will design the first drat of your website and we’ll submit to you for a round of revisions. Week two we finalize your design do a live training session and launch!


Level-Up Your Business With Our Marketing Strategy Package

Let's talk about taking your brand to the next level. We understand those late-night moments when your mind is buzzing with all of the untapped potential your business is holding. You're dreaming about the impact your services could make, fresh new opportunities, getting more eyes on your brand, and connecting with other go-getters in your industry.

We've got your back. We're here to help you tap into your one-of-a-kind story, craft a smart marketing plan, and position yourself as the best in your field so that your ideal clients will come knocking.

  • Visionary business owners and entrepreneurs who dream big. We’ll help you make a mark in the digital world by crafting unique marketing and brand strategies that attract your ideal clients. Take your online presence to the next level with us!

  • Establish your UVP (Unique Value Proposition).

    Identify your target client

    Determine the colors, images and fonts for an aesthetic that connects your brand with your desired target customers.

    Mood and vision board containing your brand visual assets.

    Pdf and PPT file outlining your overall marketing and website strategy.

  • Intro & Questionnaire

    Define UVP & Target Clients:

    Strategy Development

    Brand Presentation & Support

    Timeline 2 weeks

    *Please note that this process is entirely virtual.




  • We design all of our websites with Squarespace because we find that It’s the easiest and most flexible and user-friendly for small business owners.

  • That's what we do - indeed, we excel at it. Give us a clean slate, and we're right at home. We'll create a unique word mark logo, font recommendation and color palette that will make your website glow. We can also write compelling content that tells your story and engages your ideal client. Contact us for a quote.

  • During our Discovery Call will review your website needs in detail to see how our packages line up with them. With that said, any requirements outside of the standard options that we are capable of adding to your website will be quoted at an additional price.

  • Yes we can help with that. Included in our packages are two forms of help. The first is a 1 hour one-on-one training session right before your site launch and the second is access to step-by-step videos on maintaining and updating your website. if you need additional assistance, we can meet to discuss a monthly retainer package because as a long-term partner in your business journey, we want to assist in your success!

  • Absolutely! Just give us your login information for your domain provider, and we’ll connect it for you when we're ready to take your site live.

  • Yes, Squarespace subscription rates are both reasonable and affordable (starting at $12 monthly). However, you only need to kick that off when we’re ready to go live. Click here to view Squarespace pricing plans.

  • We require 50% of the fee upfront to secure your spot in our schedule The remaining 50% falls due at the end of the process. We can accommodate the second installment over two equal weekly payments. Outside of this, talk to us. We are approachable if your payment proposal makes sense. 

  • We book each project out a few weeks in advance, which gives you plenty of time to prepare everything that we need from you. So fill out the book now form as soon as possible to secure your spot.

View The Templates

Click on the image to view the live site and enter the password: demo